Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Racquetball Racket Ratings

Pomarance with imagination s'amministra

Pomarance, January 26, 2010

Fantasia the government. Because it takes imagination to understand the workings of an administration that is going ahead by dint of contradictions and contradictions to imagine his choices on the school to figure out what "policy area" should pursue a group in which there are two leading figures, the mayor and leader, who can not even have a clear position ; to try to understand what kind of future we want to give an urban country, having suspended the approval of the planning rules and yet have the presumption to hold only one meeting with professionals in the area (among others without giving everyone 'Today one), even meeting with citizens, groups or board with political references.
many points that are unclear. There want to understand fantasy as a driver and / or what message you want to give industrialists and businessmen of the area making him deliver a letter asking you to deposit funds including local institution (letter signed by a councilor of Pomarance) 's purchase of consumer goods, following which there were indications of a state of difficulty of the schools, to understand why complain about the lack of resources in the budget, when they are found to increase the allowances, to create mega posters, promotional resources Additional contributions to associations, to see how we can talk about participatory democracy when the junta was presented at the meeting before citizens after seven months, with a monologue full of contradictions and no reply, but above all, without even giving space for action by the public to imagine the timing of the implementation of the closure to traffic of the historical center of assembly Pomarance when it says that this can only be achieved after the installation of the parking lot of Piazzone; S'abba to imagine what the future in mind for the country Larderello, since setting up did not start any construction site, to think what future we want to give the Center of excellence to the Geothermal Larderello, when it was stated during the election campaign, right from the civil list, as a political bandwagon. My concern
is likely to increase the imagination when, after nine months in office, this administration will give birth to a municipal budget with no policy. The only thing we could learn from the "convention of six months" was the desire to bring the resources of 1.9 million € 896, for the current account rather than investment. Here, we consider this proposal completely wrong, because if we aim at the development of our country we have to spend those resources well and arrange in the council committee on the budget maneuvers to protect the territory. Our party is against the will of local development plaster and there is no need imagination to know what our opinion and our vote on this issue.

Marco Garfagnini (Town Clerk
Democratic Party Pomarance)


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