Document Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) 2008 Passirano, oddly, is only marginally involved in the situation of nitrate in groundwater of our community. The SEA, in fact, mentions once the issue, however, limited to a statement of principle, the following (p. 64): "... analysis of the characteristics of soils can be derived interesting observations on agricultural practices to be taken to avoid leaching nitrates into the groundwater and / or surface water runoff to the network. "
frankly a little 'just for a document (SEA) which is called just to give information on the state of the environment, particularly water, and to assess in advance the possible negative impacts of new plans to transform the territory. In summary, we have "served" SEA that does not elaborate on the theme of environmental protection of water, despite the existence of laws in this regard, such as the Decree. May 11, 1999, No 152 "Provisions on the protection of waters against pollution and implementing Directive 91/271/EEC on urban wastewater treatment and Directive 91/676/EEC on the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources " and subsequent amendments, and D. GR Lombardia March 29, 2006, No 2244 "Plan for the Protection and Use of Water (PTUA)" .
To understand how the issue has been addressed in other contexts, we take for example the document Valuation Strategic Environmental that Prof. Ing Tira has developed in July 2008 to Cortefranca (for those interested, the VAS Cortefranca is freely downloadable from the site of that municipality).
Let's start with this first step (p. 100), highly significant, but we prefer to ignore VAS: "... the concentration of nitrate in groundwater and surface water are crucial to define situations of proven qualitative impairment groundwater due to anthropogenic factors originating from agricultural and urban. (...) Municipalities where, on the basis of monitoring data related to the early 90s, was observed exceeded the limit of nitrate ion concentration of 50 mg / l, had already been defined as vulnerable and are therefore equivalent to a first definition already undertaken by the Region. "
first consideration. The SEA 2008 Passirano not say (but why?) That ours is a town declared vulnerable. In any case, it is worth remembering that Passirano - as reported by the VAS ... Cortefranca (!) - is just one of the areas reported for systematically exceeded the limit of 50 mg / l of nitrate ion in groundwater.
Given the deafening silence of our VAS in terms of water conservation, to Cortefranca (page 100) considers it appropriate to point out that ... the source of nitrate pollution of groundwater, and perhaps superficial is directly related to the presence of a high civil office, to a likely inefficient sewage discharges and the presence of civilians does not yet adjusted, both in surface water body on the ground that " .
Given that our common area is declared vulnerable not only by nitrates from agricultural sources, but also in civil and industrial perhaps deserve some in-depth the statements of Prof. Tira just mentioned. Start with the civil charge, to emphasize that in the last 20 years Passirano nearly doubled the number of residents (see post artificial growth) and that, to make matters worse, is promoting further population growth (9000-10000 residents).
frankly a little 'just for a document (SEA) which is called just to give information on the state of the environment, particularly water, and to assess in advance the possible negative impacts of new plans to transform the territory. In summary, we have "served" SEA that does not elaborate on the theme of environmental protection of water, despite the existence of laws in this regard, such as the Decree. May 11, 1999, No 152 "Provisions on the protection of waters against pollution and implementing Directive 91/271/EEC on urban wastewater treatment and Directive 91/676/EEC on the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources " and subsequent amendments, and D. GR Lombardia March 29, 2006, No 2244 "Plan for the Protection and Use of Water (PTUA)" .
To understand how the issue has been addressed in other contexts, we take for example the document Valuation Strategic Environmental that Prof. Ing Tira has developed in July 2008 to Cortefranca (for those interested, the VAS Cortefranca is freely downloadable from the site of that municipality).
Let's start with this first step (p. 100), highly significant, but we prefer to ignore VAS: "... the concentration of nitrate in groundwater and surface water are crucial to define situations of proven qualitative impairment groundwater due to anthropogenic factors originating from agricultural and urban. (...) Municipalities where, on the basis of monitoring data related to the early 90s, was observed exceeded the limit of nitrate ion concentration of 50 mg / l, had already been defined as vulnerable and are therefore equivalent to a first definition already undertaken by the Region. "
first consideration. The SEA 2008 Passirano not say (but why?) That ours is a town declared vulnerable. In any case, it is worth remembering that Passirano - as reported by the VAS ... Cortefranca (!) - is just one of the areas reported for systematically exceeded the limit of 50 mg / l of nitrate ion in groundwater.
Given the deafening silence of our VAS in terms of water conservation, to Cortefranca (page 100) considers it appropriate to point out that ... the source of nitrate pollution of groundwater, and perhaps superficial is directly related to the presence of a high civil office, to a likely inefficient sewage discharges and the presence of civilians does not yet adjusted, both in surface water body on the ground that " .
Given that our common area is declared vulnerable not only by nitrates from agricultural sources, but also in civil and industrial perhaps deserve some in-depth the statements of Prof. Tira just mentioned. Start with the civil charge, to emphasize that in the last 20 years Passirano nearly doubled the number of residents (see post artificial growth) and that, to make matters worse, is promoting further population growth (9000-10000 residents).
Secondly, the efficiency of sewage systems. The situation in which we find our common eloquently photographed on page 39 in the SEA: ... sewerage Passirano covers about 76% of the municipality, against an average of 91% and the ATO level National 85%. " An incredible figure - If it were not true ...! - Which unfortunately does not need to be commented.
We conclude with some questions. We are confident that our territory could easily withstand the impact of other new residents from 2000 to 3000? Why give the green light to continue processing and production planning in an area with known water quality impairment? How do you explain a plan of territorial government that continues, stubbornly, to meet housing needs not ours?
We conclude with some questions. We are confident that our territory could easily withstand the impact of other new residents from 2000 to 3000? Why give the green light to continue processing and production planning in an area with known water quality impairment? How do you explain a plan of territorial government that continues, stubbornly, to meet housing needs not ours?
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