On several occasions we have raised doubts that the government of the Territory Plan (TMP) of Passirano has been built to "make money". A question that seems to have some basis, because the unjustified dattraverso overbuilding of our territory - see post artificial growth - the City is going to get "easy money" to be allocated to public works whose value remains to be show: polo school in the area Cadenone new road, new road Monterotondo Camignone roundabout, roundabout in the industrial area, new road in Castle street, and so on.
But to point out the risk that an urban development is only a means to "print money" are not always only the usual handful, but it is - and above all - the Provincial Councillor for the Territory, Francesco Mazzoli (area center-right). In this regard, steps are some of the statements made by the provincial to the Giornale di Brescia, published by the newspaper Nov. 21, 2008 (Article kindly segnalatoci from Civic Participation Corte Franca).
But to point out the risk that an urban development is only a means to "print money" are not always only the usual handful, but it is - and above all - the Provincial Councillor for the Territory, Francesco Mazzoli (area center-right). In this regard, steps are some of the statements made by the provincial to the Giornale di Brescia, published by the newspaper Nov. 21, 2008 (Article kindly segnalatoci from Civic Participation Corte Franca).
One of the core issues addressed by the TMP is the urban expansion. "I note a risk that municipalities use it as a tool for finding resources," Mazzoli said. To raise cash, after all. is not only the costs of urbanization. The system is so-called "planning contract" perfectly legitimate (it is provided by the Regional Law 12), but with devastating effects if used in a distorted, exaggerated. In practice, the City, in exchange for work that can not achieve due to lack of funds, it offers the possibility of building an operation. is just an example as possible. "by government to devise urban development as an economic resource would be a serious mistake."
is a real risk. In part this is happening already, but the practice could be exacerbated in Pgt. A sobering element: almost all the municipalities in their plans provide for an increase in population over the next few years, and then the residences. And that while in general it seems difficult to attend to the population growth of the past; also "sale" and "rent" shall be read a bit 'everywhere. There is another reason, "that worries me and embittered." The economic one, in fact, the expansion of the action to finance the activities of the City.
"If municipalities choose this way you hurt yourself," says Mazzoli. "This development is not justified by demography, but by the need for cash may have adverse effects. generation, ie, a speculative bubble built on the land or building. "You can not think of an abnormal growth of population as in the past, but even to a confirmation. Exaggerate the value of land means to blow the bubble. " That would drag down the ambitions of Commons. "I hope, really, that local authorities do not make the mistake of making urban planning the path to be contracted to raise funds. "
So much for the "thought-Mazzoli," and that of many others. Before proceeding, a couple of considerations. Let's start by saying that the people of Passirano has almost doubled in 25 years, certainly not for an internal population growth, but because the old General Plan granted boundless prairies, that the speculation has not exactly made to escape. Second, remember that the Service Plan, a document of financial sustainability, page 271, notes that "... the constant increase in population has occurred in recent years Passirano not be paid to the redistribution of a similar age group, but rather accentuated the demographic imbalance, artificially increasing the adult-elderly population at the expense of its youth. " It follows that, as young people increasingly minority, 's building expansion suggested by the PGT Passirano - again, as happened with the old PRG - is designed, constructed and intended primarily to cash.
Another question, more important than it might seem. Despite calls for a census affiittati unsold property or not already on our territory, the Directors considered that this study was irrelevant to the preparation of the TMP. Some fear the results of the survey? Maybe, because it is not impossible to Passirano there are already hundreds of apartments that are waiting for a buyer. And if this hypothesis is anything more than a hypothesis, the Administration should finally admit that it is not true that the citizens of Passirano are 25 years or so, continually looking for new apartments. This, however, is what we were told in the old PRG, this is what we are told also of PGT in 2009 unless Passirano find that the natives are now a minority of the total population (see Plan of Services, Document financial sustainability, page 275).
Last appearance. Why continue a senseless policy of selling off land to meet housing needs external and instead begin to operate efficiently and sparingly a collective asset (the land) so valuable? Nobody, except a few professional representation, he understood. That will continue to do is to highlight the dangers (including from the financial point of view!) To sell the family silver to make such pharaonic projects, because of lack of social interest.
"I hope, really, that local authorities do not make the mistake of making the urban the path to be contracted to raise funds, " hoped the Provincial Councillor for the Territory, Mazzoli. We hoped that we too, dear Mayor, but this is exactly what is happening with the PGT Passirano. A PGT, which as stated on several occasions, was served up to the citizens, without them having had the opportunity to help build their future. A good example of democracy, no doubt about it!
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