Wednesday, January 21, 2008 was held in Passirano a public presentation of the Plan of Government of the Territory, already adopted in the City Council in early November 2008. Here are some thoughts on meeting.
Let's start with a statement of prof. Joseph Farnsworth, Professor of Business Economics. "Coping with the problems does not mean to meet the needs. Program has its own policies rather the opposite meaning, because there are actions , precisely those policies, that you can only build on the medium and long term, strategic vision. "
useful to ask, immediately, what could be the vision of those who - at a distance of 6-7 years from completion of high school, and only 3 years after ' expansion of the elementary school - is going to meddle in public funds to build a Passirano a new school campus. Useful to ask, too, what could be the vision of those who first demolishes the old town hall, then sparse on the ground under the building both. And a little later "discovered" urgent need for new public buildings (the school campus, in fact).
What is this, if not a paradigmatic case of political unable to plan and systematically imprisoned last minute emergencies?
continue our discussion with a consideration of Oriano Giovanelli, president of Legautonomie. "If the local government wants that its decisions are effective and produce results eve of the first share analysis, objectives and actions to pursue them with the key players that drive the territory. Why excellence of a municipality is not measured by the quality of their decisions, but how it manages to steer and to decide an entire community. "
A new interesting ideas, this, to ask more questions. When, what and how the City Council of Passirano shared with the citizens of the analysis and the objectives of the TMP? And also, what will be an excellent town to "decide on their own", anyway?
finally entering the specific meeting for Wednesday, January 21, we believe that few of these have understand why we should spend a fortune to achieve expensive public works of dubious utility (polo school in the area Cadenone new road, new road in Monterotondo, and so on). Some Town Administrator was institutionally try to explain it, but is difficult task to achieve consensus on works by millions of euro when they are not even consistent with the needs of actual and tangible.
An example to try to make this concept concrete. As mentioned in other posts, there is a document of PGT Passirano (the Financial Sustainability) who points out how Passirano is now "... deprived of young people, families or couples with children, too unbalanced on single and elderly population. At this point one might expect that in the face of statement of this magnitude, our policy makers had not identified the school campus un'improrogabile priority. But, as we know, the opposite is true.
That said, it should be noted that for the political public meetings are "bad beasts ", because it provides opportunity for comparison with different opinions, and above all - Satan vade retro - provides opportunity for expression of dissent. Precisely for this reason that we should politicians will be met in a pocket having a solid basis of argument and policy coherence and shared. Well, but what do you do when there's all this? All that remains is to resort to acrobatics semantic to Byzantinism political.
Take, for example, the new road planned in Monterotondo. Wednesday, January 21 municipalities have revealed to the bewildered citizens present who in fact can not be defined exactly a road, but rather a cycle-pedestrian track. Although, perhaps, one day the cycle-pedestrian track - according to our policy makers - could actually become a path. A road that is not the road, a cycle-pedestrian track that is not for the exclusive use of bicyclists and pedestrians. In summary, a semantic tightrope almost daring as that - unmatched and unforgettable - the parallel convergences .
But not over, because when a politician has no solid basis of argument in his pocket, the risk of supporting the thesis embarrassing is always alive and present. In fact, forgetting the beautifully proposal signed by 260 citizens (signatories of a petition against this project) the municipalities have confessed unbelief Assembly wanted to make the road-track following protests by citizens of 40 telephone Monterotondo, arrived at City Hall during the refurbishment work via Cadorna.
How to define such an exit, if not political Byzantinism? recall, incidentally, that if this rule was actually applied by our local government, every 40 phone calls to protest a new road we would end up under the house.
But that Wednesday to Byzantinism political has also been used to justify the geographical location of the (useless) school campus. What must be done right in the area identified by the PGT, because otherwise - it said one of the policy-makers - would be minus' unique with public buildings already existing on site. A pity for the 2 flattened, we add, because the unique would have been even more monumental!
end with a melancholy consideration. Some will not have escaped the Byzantinism political and semantic acrobatics - by definition dangerous - even lethal when in danger of becoming who he is not even shown the courage of their ideas.
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