Saturday, February 19, 2011

Police Auctions Wyndham

Scandicci and Richard Rogers Planning Scandicci; Vandals Jacobins in Scandicci, Scandicci and culture; Sergio Staino in Scandicci. 4 ^ p

now thought to be pacified and reconciled with the municipal administration. Actually I was just resigned to its democratic dictatorship . But now a new powerful wave of ugliness in the form of dozens of billboards particularly massive and heavy, came to disturb even the existence of those who, like me, spends his life in a very narrow scope and only a desire to spend a quiet morning in the Eagle Bar, the Market Square and the library bathrooms. This act of vandalism, this affront to the city's landscape, has awakened in me an old anger and the desire to say everything I think too much of glorifying achievements of urban Scandicci. Before giving my opinion overall, however, I think it is useful to repeat the letters I had written to some local newspapers when he began to speak for the first time of use plan.

mimeographed flyer (at my expense) 500 copies. June 4, 1985
Scandicci: Etruscans or vandalism?

L'Eco di Scandicci, having published two short speeches on the controversial master plan, probably scared of his courage, he dismissed the article listed below. Sure, it's more cultural about the Etruscans and Scandicci Scandicci and non modern Vandals have put and are putting a lot in various masks: first for an urgent need to house a growing population, now make the leap from neighborhood dormitory town, resulting in improved quality of life. "For a better quality of life" now a formuletta advertising (as diuretic and digestive "for mineral water) that may accompany any administrative measure.
"No doubt the policy of building facilities conducted by the City Council, seconded by the interests of large estate owners in the building areas for the processing of their agricultural land, has given a powerful boost to the private speculation, the true creator of 'urbanization of the plain of Scandicci.
Titi So wrote Charles in 1974 in an essay published in the journal Military Geographical Institute, The Universe .
To guide the future development should be the Scandicci at least acknowledge past mistakes and correct operational criteria of previous administrations. Instead, the promoters of the New Plan, while emphasizing the presumed so rhetorical leap from neighborhood dormitory town, accept without flinching planning the misdeeds of the past, considering them the best that could be done in difficult conditions of the massive immigration of the Sixties.
should, however, consider that immigration was a movement with a need and its urgency, or if it was not, at least for the most part, inspired, encouraged and attracted, through the attraction of low prices (a result of the easy speculation) by administrators who quite clearly had aimed at developing a huge and uncontrolled Scandicci.
E 'failed to do a rational and humane idea of \u200b\u200bthe city. The provincialism of our administrators has ignored all of contemporary, and this is serious, because in this post-war experience of the new towns (New Towns) emerged in England since 1946 has shown that it is possible to control and direct the development of fast-growing city (Lewis Mumford).
It 'really odd that the planners who designed the new great center of Scandicci have now inspired (in my opinion), with a delay of thirty years, its business centers of New Towns, which are to compact plant with large concentration of buildings and services. But the New Towns has gone to just copy the most controversial, which can not be transferred to any other urban setting. The centers of the British new towns have not been lowered in an urban form and without the saturated construction (as is to Scandicci), but formed a hinge in neighborhoods bounded by vast green areas. On plants published by Ll. Rodwin in "The English new towns" you can see that every residential area is surrounded by a belt of land free of almost half the built-up area.
The reality is quite different in Scandicci. The center provided by New plan would have these effects:
a. saturate buildings contain significant remaining free space in the city center;
b. would deprive the city of the last remaining space for a large garden. Making the park Rinaldi does not exclude the need for a garden accessible at a distance footpath. Although in small quantities, nature should be enjoyable every day and not just half of a Sunday excursion;
c. we give away in a narrow space of fifteen four-storey buildings, which, apart from aesthetic considerations, would exacerbate the appearance of the rigid and bureaucratic city
d. confirm and aggravate an old error. In the past, fostered speculation, because you thought it was inevitable, and therefore right that the 'city' took the form of its wild and uncontrolled expansion. All other functions were subordinated to that expansion. Today it gives primacy to the tertiary function, which controls and influences the others.
This is the modern city in which the Administration seeks: consumerist, conservative, anti-human.
* The usual Sergio Staino drew a few cartoons to claim the New Plan. "Wake up! No more dorm ... Scandicci becomes a city!"
What about this artist celebrated in this way? It does not either laugh or cry.


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