Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Japanese Supermarkets In Singapore

Reflexive middle classes: trade unionists. 24 ^ p. (From the unpublished book: A Pocket Italy. Essay on the smallness of the shrewd officials. 2001).

"You!" He said with contempt the Worm. "Who are you ?"
(L. Carroll, Alice in Wonderland)

A type of Italian that in recent decades has become representative Marrameo is Hugh, a former colleague from the library, and fellow party Piero Innocenti friend and occasional collaborator of his rivistine.
could not make an academic career, Marrameo. By today's theater of the official culture, was closed off. But if only she had the ticket, it would certainly come with his patience, the Royal Box. However, his career as a national leader of the trade union appears almost more remarkable than his illustrious academic partner.
Marrameo must add that, not being a 'cleric' career, it did not carry the cleric in freedom, a sort of guerrilla in a culture all its own, which evidently found listeners and admirers. From light-hearted writer, trade unionist Marrameo writes very original circular. Here is a small sample:

"to workers. Ladies and gentlemen and lawmen. The recovery in autumn: a) continue the smash on the premiership of the center-left, b) rate increases, c) ... the inflation and petrol without Parietti man who makes a pair with the actress Schiffer ... the power of Lazio ... but for us there is always a MA-RIA more or less happily married with our dear UIL ... (SSSS ... I say this because a voice - unidentified - said that in these days of heat (sic) saw the embrace Fumarola IIS with the excuse - has defended the wretched - levarle of the income tax!) (The series: a little 'Gossip for the summer).

What to say? It might seem a revival of Futurism, a patter to Pinocchio, but I only think of the cicada is a sports magazine of the parish, where everyone knows each other and wink to each other.

I met 'the artist as a young man', ie Ugo Marrameo when he was a young man with high hopes.
the common part of Long Bridge, a neighborhood of working-class suburb, I met a very strange man, Guido Marando. He worked at the union of the vehicle but was a framer by trade and in his spare time painting. He was then twenty-eight years.
His wife Teresa, a plump girl who lived in the shadow of her husband, she knew in Rome a delicate and sensitive young girl, Barbara, who was engaged to an arrogant Roman proletarian.
During my trip to Rome, Teresa gave me a stack of books to take to her friend Barbara.
We met one Sunday afternoon in Piazza Venezia. She was accompanied by her boyfriend, Hugh Marrameo, a guy in his twenties who already had the physique and the manners of a fat landlord of the Castelli Romani.
We went to make a snack of artichokes "Jewish style" in a restaurant near the Portico d'Ottavia.
Barbara, I saw for the first time, it was a girl with a fragile smile. Belonged to a wealthy family of professionals. I kind of looked like a painfully insecure woman, who probably believed he had found love and certainty joining the legendary working class.
The boyfriend seemed without studies and, I believe, without job, but he does not know what strong proletarian origin or condition, he believed to be able to give lessons in tactics and strategy without the need for reading and study. But he had his fine repertoire of stock phrases, ears and probably in the sections in the newspapers of the party.
In that mild spring Sunday afternoon, despite the pleasantness of the place, the goodness of the artichokes, the courtesy due to people just met and the fact that I had a young communist with the myth of the working class, the banality of Marrameo managed to sorry completely.
review was not particularly far-fetched to irritate me. In the Communist Party at that time there was not enough space to diametrically opposed views. Irritated me, rather, the obvious desire to Marrameo to argue, however, have no idea really different from mine. Faced with enough tone and aggressiveness of its outputs, I wondered what we were puzzled about. In reality, he contradicted me in my status as a student who did higher studies.
Barbara was delighted to hear candidly, exchanging for the coarseness of his hero barricadiera passion.

For many months I thought I saw no more than a couple. But early the next year, suddenly, Barbara and her family left Rome and moved with her boyfriend at the home of Guy and Teresa. They had only one bedroom and a kitchen. We proposed to separate the young couple: Barbara had lived at the home of Teresa and Hugh would have stayed at my house. I agreed to put aside my dislike for Marrameo and the hassle of sharing my house with a stranger, because it seemed so personal feelings then a serious crime of bourgeois individualism. Solidarity with the "comrades" was considered a duty.
Marrameo Fortunately, much more individualistic than me, he was in my house one night, a Saturday to Sunday. I, mate and master of the house down to the particular task, I had him when he wakes up to find the pastries for breakfast, but he wanted to go back to sleep and Teresa Guido, where he stayed several months, regardless of the embarrassment that provoked.

But meanwhile the sun was coming up for him the future.
few months before the city was flooded by water of the Arno. National Library was to create a great laboratory for the restoration of the damaged thousands of ancient books and hire staff. Ugo
Marrameo worker showed up and became a restorer.


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