A mystery surrounds the entire cast of Harry Potter. On the website 'PostSecret' is in fact a message appeared very surprising. For the uninitiated, 'PostSecret' allows anyone to post a secret, writing - of course with graphics programs - the image of a postcard. So many people have used the site to download a conscience or relieve some 'soul and someone has done the damage, in fact, the cast of the film dedicated to the famous boy wizard.
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Poor Harry & Co.! If I speak my mind, I'd bet on Isaacs, a bit 'which has the CCIA is the seducer of the bastard. But we are talking about serious things, that these women seduced and abandoned pulling the stone and hide your hand I do not really like. Well, you say the name of the actor who made you suffer? Say it! What quest'indovinello? Please.
I said, we talk about serious things. What PostSecret? It is a project of this very interesting Frank Warren, whom I discovered thanks to this article. The rules are simple: you have a secret you've never revealed to anyone and this is true? And then post it on the internet. According to Warren, the secrets of anonymous people can help someone to live with their 'monsters'. It would seem obvious idea, and instead this blog - at least in the U.S. - Scored a huge hit, reaching to churn out books and events. Every Sunday is published on the official website the 10 most intriguing secrets of the week, with no possibility of access to some sort of archive. On the site of community
are instead the regulation, a forum for the exchange of opinions or questions and more.
The idea, described in this way, it seems really pointless and not very attractive. But the impact, when you open the site with the top ten cards of the week, is quite different. "He lied. I've never raped," "I hate having to do pornographic drawings to make known my name. I hate even more the fact that a virtually unknown "," It does not rain so much in reality. We say so because people are not moved. "Three of the secrets of this week: cold, hard on postcards create 'ad hoc', often to represent the secret and just as often to hide it better.
To ensure a successful project is necessary for people to believe it. And since the U.S. people believe in 'PostSecret', the impression is that all the secrets it contains are true. Many countries (including England, France and China ) have 'borrowed' the idea of \u200b\u200bWarren and they recycled at home. I wonder if such a thing would never be possible in Italy , because I have the impression that there would not be taken too seriously. There would be thousands of postcards with the words "I love Totti" or "I televoting a secret not to let the guy from the Big Brother House." Or it could happen to give off a tremendous manhunt anonymous wrote this postcard.
The truth is that Italy is a country of gossips. PostSecret nun is there.
are instead the regulation, a forum for the exchange of opinions or questions and more.
The idea, described in this way, it seems really pointless and not very attractive. But the impact, when you open the site with the top ten cards of the week, is quite different. "He lied. I've never raped," "I hate having to do pornographic drawings to make known my name. I hate even more the fact that a virtually unknown "," It does not rain so much in reality. We say so because people are not moved. "Three of the secrets of this week: cold, hard on postcards create 'ad hoc', often to represent the secret and just as often to hide it better.
To ensure a successful project is necessary for people to believe it. And since the U.S. people believe in 'PostSecret', the impression is that all the secrets it contains are true. Many countries (including England, France and China ) have 'borrowed' the idea of \u200b\u200bWarren and they recycled at home. I wonder if such a thing would never be possible in Italy , because I have the impression that there would not be taken too seriously. There would be thousands of postcards with the words "I love Totti" or "I televoting a secret not to let the guy from the Big Brother House." Or it could happen to give off a tremendous manhunt anonymous wrote this postcard.
The truth is that Italy is a country of gossips. PostSecret nun is there.
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