Passirano: PGT, we need a modern, built tailor before the holidays, we offer one final post that contains the text of the document sent in June 2008, the Committee of the Technical Office Passirano Monterotondo, and knowledge to all Municipal Councillors .
The document was prepared as a result of the procedure of consultation of the social and economic, as required by the law governing the drafting of the Plans of the Government of the Territory (PGT) municipal.
1 - The "madness cement"
In Italy we are witnessing the longest and most expansive building cycle since the war. The major problems with this madness cement (pollution, environmental impairment, destruction of landscape, loss of quality of life) does not may continue to be overlooked, ignored or worse, by those institutions charged with protecting and defending the common good. To try to convince the most skeptical that these statements are not due to extravagant ideologies, but are simply true and widely shared, our document on the Government of the Territory of Passirano will be enriched by numerous contributions from various sources.
2 - A land increasingly compromised
Excerpt surgery dr. Erbano on the occasion of the fifth Cederna Prize of the Province of Rome, held in Rome on May 30, 2007.
Why is constructed time, and for whom? The mechanism that regulates the transformation of a different nature is devastating.
- Culture: Italy is a country where awareness of the quality of its assets is not appropriate to the level and the same values.
- Economy: Italy in the annuity weighs a lot, and rent and real estate, in particular, absorb many resources that would otherwise be destined for a more orderly development;
- Politics: a good part of the policy is not intended not designed to adjust the structure of a territory, as is inhibited by expressing the strength of the construction industry and pension and adapts his wishes, convinced that the possession of a soil is somehow included the possibility of its transformation into a concrete sense, and that this possibility should be contracted to the maximum, mitigated, but not dependent upon the protection of general interests.
article Republic of June 20, 2007
The numbers are impressive. last decade have been built in Italy more than 3 million 231 thousand apartments. 331 000 in 2006 alone, 30 000 of them abusive. [...] A landscape that is being overturned by an occupation of land without parallel in history. The wealth of beauty, made of nature and art, engineering and architectural planning, risks remain isolated in a sea of \u200b\u200bhouses, factories, infrastructure, without any criterion based on an old idea and the wrong development. According to Lorenzo Bellicini, director of Cresme (authoritative study center on construction), every Italian on his back a load of 53 cubic meters of concrete.
newspaper article in Brescia on March 19, 2008
Data from the Politecnico di Milano classify the land as the most urbanized of Brescia in Lombardy. [...] Brescia, which annually consumes 37 acres of land, is the province "sciupasuoli" of Lombardy. A record that has earned Brescia eating each year from 1999 to 2004, an extension of land equal to 1,858 football fields.
3 - The "question" landscape
The need for the new PGT has as its primary objective the careful and constant protection of the landscape is all too evident. How can we forget, in fact, the strong political message that hundreds of people have addressed this Administration at the Municipal Landscape Plan? For the rest, but just want to reiterate the concepts that we have supported in recent months, are some newspaper articles that do not belong to dangerous and even revolutionary maximalist areas are not aligned with the party of no (if a party like that has ever existed), and are not entered in the register militant environmentalism hard and pure. Article
Il Sole 24 Ore of November 24, 2007
The planner Pier Luigi Cervellati in an interview in recent days said that "urban planners and architects have never lost the battle on the cultural landscape, because they never really fought. We architects and planners, we are all responsible not only for the ruin of the Italian agricultural landscape, but also what happens in town centers. "
Article of the Republic of January 28, 2008
Who owns the landscape? Who is the legitimate "owner" of the territory, that is that heritage made over time by nature and history? The people who live there or the whole nation? Faced with the destruction of the beautiful country, consumed by the destruction of the environment, the reckless, abuse of buildings, air and water pollution, protection of the landscape takes on a cultural factor in the defense of our collective identity .
Article in Giornale di Brescia on 12 February 2008
The landscape is not good sources, and not always well managed. We are not the interest of the WWF - the series, save the species from extinction - but at a high level of attention, that yes. The 'animal' that is disappearing - and no need to take up the banner of environmentalism activist to denounce - is the territory, our land Brescia.
article in the Corriere della Sera on June 6, 2008
First of all there must be respect for the "preexisting environment", a term technically quite learned to define an architecture in harmony with the landscape, especially with the Italian , a unique heritage, in fact our real oil, our greatest asset. For much of the postwar period we have built in an irrational way, consuming the territory as if it were a well reproducible, as if we were able to recreate it at will.
4 - Managing a territory does not mean watering down
The swirling building development that has upset in recent decades has led to the landscape of Franciacorta in our towns an average increase of population by 44%. The news, in itself alarming, it becomes almost unbelievable when you consider that, at the same time period, the increase in land consumption reached 1,000%.
These numbers are not a figment of some environmentalist last minute, but the results of a study commissioned by the Foundation Cogeme prof. Pull the University of Brescia. A first consideration on these figures: the increase in the number of population (+44%) is not generated by the endogenous population growth. Second consideration: the use of land (+1000%), in turn, has had a development so huge that it is not even remotely correlated with the residents, in itself already very high.
But how is this particular situation? We must say thanks to the efforts of those who have stubbornly persisted with land-use plan (controllers, or gift?) Which led Passirano to occupy the top positions in the "special" classification Communities that have consumed more soil. Along with Rodengo Saiano and Ospitaletto, are just two examples. be noted, moreover, that this building bulimia did not bring any advantage in terms of prices: the prairies kindly provided by PRG to speculation, in fact, not only failed to moderation, but also have had the opposite effect.
The paradox "in several areas PRG, equal higher prices" but it helps to focus a first important aspect: someone is trying stubbornly to give it to drink, but it is now clear that the PGT may not work as catalysts of stabilizing prices real estate sector.
Bresciaoggi article of June 12, 2008
The conference on urban containment [...] ended Friday afternoon in Provaglio in Franciacorta, found a situation that requires strict management of land use. After the war, the phenomenon has accompanied population growth with poured concrete with no rules to meet a single need. In recent years, population pressure has vanished, but the concrete, driven by the market, had a very strong acceleration.
So attention to who, despite the overall reduction of population pressure, TMP continues to preach in "... strengthening the existing building stock " (see page 8 of the Plan document Passirano). We note that our community leaders are telling us the exact opposite of what the researchers of the European project "Management of the dynamics of urban planning (see Urban Containment on the conference held in Brescia in May 2008). However, this different perspective on demographic trends can not but raise some doubts ... perplexity, waiting to be disproved, it recommended a firm opposition to all requests for new buildings are not really real needs arising from the endogenous nature. needs to be supported and confirmed by information of demographic that are not restricted only to illustrate the growth of population in recent years - as the paper of PGT Passirano Plan (see page 19 and following) - but which provide information on the foreseeable development of pololear 10, 20 and 30 years.
But by the way, to what has been a growing population from 1971 to Passirano 10.2007? The Plan document, probably due to modesty, cites data at up to 2006, and expresses them as a percentage. In any case residents increased from 4412 to 6907 (ISTAT), which means an increase of almost 60%. enormous and abnormal growth, which certainly can no longer be replicated in future years. This is not a statement free, but what is said in the Istat "Population Forecast for Lombardy, which provides for a reduction of almost 25% of the population between 0 and 50 years in the period between 2009 and 2039.
A brief digression on the situation of Monterotondo (which, incidentally, had a population increase of 50% over the last 20 years). Given the particular context, we believe that in Monterotondo there is even less need for new areas of expansion. Even in the area because of Bettolino, even in the Municipality of Cortefranca, just a short forty new apartments, which will bring hundreds of new people to gravitate to our country.
back to evaluate more general, what you should avoid is transformed in Passirano Rodengo Saiano 2, common aims rather openly to reach 15,000 people. Our administrators need to know that this kind of population growth an end in itself - you still try to smuggle such flattering result produced by far-sighted policies of growth and economic development - does not belong to our culture. Why are citizens of Passirano hope to live in an environment on a human scale. Here's another reason why we can not allow tercio-to repeat the mistakes made with the old PRG: the risk run is to definitively turn our country into an anonymous suburb, a place not in a dormitory town.
Another question. Italy, together with all countries of the Western world, is experiencing one of the worst real estate crisis in decades. Probably a structural crisis that is hitting our house as it is evident concretely hundreds of unsold properties in Rodengo Saiano Ospitaletto, labor, Rovato, etc.. and, of course mind, Passirano. waiting to see whether, and how you can solve this crisis, everyone - and here we want to address in particular engineers, builders and real estate - We must admit that in Passirano in recent years, has built too much evil and much, much more than the actual housing needs. difficult to deny this claim, and equally difficult to deny that when it encourages speculation, we can not protect the interests of a general nature.
About the common good and general interests, it seems to me that, despite the avalanche of Urbanization fees earned over the years, the general standard of living of the citizens of Passirano not improved. Perhaps because
a) hundreds of thousands of euro were spent on the Pharaonic sports center, exterminated with adjoining car parks (perpetually empty) apartment of the caretaker (bleakly empty), stands with a canopy, visible from miles away, on average repair no more than 10-20 disenchanted spectators of football matches;
b) hundreds of thousands of euro ended up in a monumental stadium, too big for the needs of sporting activities that take place there, but just to accept, has very high operating costs;
c) hundreds of thousands of euro were swallowed up by the former home of the beam, each other on who stretches a pitiful veil.
But it was precisely these interventions that citizen-taxpayers Passirano expected to see made? was worth to give large areas of land speculation in exchange for these "services"? This confirms, if any were needed, it might be humiliating to witness the destruction of an area of \u200b\u200bsignificant environmental value-landscaped to make cash. But it is, a fortiori, when it is doubtful that those who have compromised our history, our culture, our traditions, did not even leverage the resources that have followed.
This story helps us understand that the territory can not es-night sold out as is done with the family jewels, the mo-ment where the financial situation becomes complicated. Because of this passage, between 15-20 years (ie 2-3 PGT), the speculation will not, however, satisfied his craving cement, some Administration will continue undaunted to be enchanted by the sirens of the infinite population growth, will have 15,000 inhabitants Passirano or more, and the family jewels have been all sold. an overly pessimistic? No, if we do not stop immediately shoot ourselves in the foot.
Another important issue. Let's stop to smuggle the anachronistic idea that PGT can determine economic growth and development. Let's stop supporting that grant new production areas is sufficient to defeat the commuting to which they are forced employees in nearby towns (it seems incredible, but there really is someone who, in 2008, supports this theory nineteenth century!). Given the overall context in which businesses operate today, everyone knows that even initiatives (and funded!) By entities of a wide area are able to ensure reliable and stable economic growth. why not just paint some red area of \u200b\u200bthe strategic board of PGT to create wealth. If it were as easy as our PGT suggests, in these years, no industry would Brescia moved its industrial plants in Eastern Europe. Or even in China and India.
There is no longer (if ever there was) a direct correlation between the number of square meters of craft / industrial inserted in PGT, and economic well-being of residents. We are talking about a myth born in the period of economic boom, now eclipsed.
But if all these allegations are unfounded, as ever in 2008, we are left with a PGT "clinging" to logic from the sixties? Here are some possibilities:
a) any director who has worked in the old land-use plan is still present in the majority;
b) the "new" convintamene Directors have embraced the traditional orthodoxy of those who trained them;
c) most likely those who wanted this PGT has not the courage of their (few) ideas.
If that courage to come out, we should admit that this, too - like all previous PRG - PGT is designed only to make money. But obviously we can not say. Why is there a danger that the elec-tion are not at all the idea of \u200b\u200bfurther compromise the livability of their territory, in exchange for public works of dubious utility. It may require, now, that we start a more rigorous man-agement of public resources.
The foregoing considerations lead to really think that the PGT Passirano can be defined as such only if it does not allow the-pull processing of tens of thousands of square meters of land. govern a territory like ours does not mean cement factory, but on the contrary, it means you-telarlo, protect it, manage it wisely.
And certainly not us to discover that the Franciacorta is not a trivial place. To reiterate, even recently, was the Superintendent of the Architectural Heritage and Landscape, arch. Rinaldi, who said he wanted to refer to certain municipalities in Franciacorta, including Passirano, the project for the creation of an agricultural park. But the position taken by the Superintendent of the PGT Passirano makes no mention (and yet to encounter our directors were present), much less take into consideration the proposal of the agricultural park. Our PGT - even linger on for pages on the environmental and landscape of our country - in practice does not propose anything new. Why
about concrete, it was expected that with the new PGT the City Region to propose the declaration of "significant public interest" in some areas particularly rich in our country, with estimates of constraint on the landscape areas concerned (remember that in these days Erbusco scored by the Regional favorable to this type of application). The TMP, however, is only concerned with additional housing needs (a theory that does not show ...), and continues to preach that "There are undoubted need for strengthening the existing building stock" (see page 8 of the Plan document) . Needs indisputable? Let's talk instead, and very thorough! Why do you hide behind these granite certainties just what you suspect: the desire to have "easy money". that could serve the school campus (yet another huge project), to be achieved against all logic, given Istat assumed that the double-digit percentage reductions in the younger population over the next 15-20 years.
article Republic of November 21, 2007
What raises alarm, far beyond the individual cases, the delegation is ultimately entrusted to the municipalities in the defense of the landscape. So, with a ludicrous interpretation of "participatory democracy", not only is the repeal Article 9 of the Constitution that "the Republic protects the landscape" (certainly not common), but has triggered a widespread conflict of 'interests: the local authorities, always short of resources, are encouraged to additional income through building permits, costs of urbanization, etc.. especially since they got to use them as current expenditure thing that the old law prohibiting Bucalossi. A practice that can induce in some cases even illegal financing of party or personal. In Europe today, the icon of the smokestacks of factories and, instead, made faint by globalization. The factories of the world will increasingly be in China, India, Indonesia, Brazil. In the West, will take over for those who will take up the challenge, the company intellectual, technological, computerized. In this context, Italy has only one unique good, not scratched from the competition, the territory. Each hectare is a pickaxe destroyed ourselves. Who does not understands that acts as the Taliban blew up the Buddhas of Bamyan in the name of Islam pure and hard.
Article in Giornale di Brescia, 23 February 2008
The answer to the crisis of the past and present experience PLANNING can not consist in blind trust in the driving force of economic and social dynamics, as is too serious to danger that the outcome of such an abdication of regulated planning to mark the claim on the territory of only technocratic rulers of public and private interests. [...] In the "new idea of \u200b\u200bforward planning" capacity allocation edificatoria by the PGT (and its implementation plans) is likely to be affected more by the pressing financial needs of municipal planning objective recognition of the calling of certain portions of the territory.
newspaper article in Brescia on May 1, 2008
Development is necessary but should be "thoroughly rethought 'to economic indicators to be joined by other evaluation criteria, parameters related to the quality of life and social well being. In risk of exhausting precious resources and undermine the delicate balance and should be followed in a prudent precautionary principle and always assess the possible impacts on long time for respect and protection of future generations. natural sciences, economic sciences and humanities are called upon to deal with these challenges.
5 - A look beyond the backyard
in London over the past ten years there has not eaten a single square meter of green belts, green belts. Furthermore, in 2001 Tony Blair has prepared a law requiring that only 30% percent of new buildings can rise up open spaces, ex farm, while 70% percent rise must already built up areas or on former industrial areas. Also in London, intends to concentrate 100% on building new brown belts, namely in the areas already built.
In Germany, Chancellor Merkel herself in 1998 when he was Environment Minister, passed a law limiting the Laender in land use to 30 hectares per day, or less than 10,000 hectares a year. A dream for us that we consume more than 244 000! And Merkel is not a maximalist ...
6 - The common good requires PGT containment
Here is now another of the crucial stages of the intervention of the architect. Luca Rinaldi, Superintendent of the Architectural Heritage and Landscape, during a meeting organized by the Foundation Cogeme held in Iseo February 2, 2008: ... Plans of Government of the Territory (PGT) too often show deficiencies cause for concern, because are still conceived as development plans and not plans for containment, at a time when, though, is all too clear that the consumption of Soil should be drastically reduced if not stopped completely. PGT There are too many who want to further expansion in construction even in areas such as environment and tourism in Franciacorta, forgetting, for example, the possibilities offered by the recovery of the existing building. "
newspaper article in Brescia on June 3 2008
E 'in recent days sent a note to the municipalities by the Superintendent. In reference to the drafting of the VAS, one of the documents that form the PGT, suggests the following method statement: the historical and environmental protection must take precedence over planning.
Brescia Journal of April 1, 2008
from the next PGT aware that local communities have needs that must be answered. These responses, however, be planned from the real needs of citizens, and not by speculative pressures, which often also serve for the Commons to make cash. In this way, every land use will be made after careful consideration, with full consciousness of the act is accomplished. Consume less and consume better, taking account of future generations and the quality of our life today.
7 - Our operational proposals
listed below, albeit in a schematic way, some proposals for action:
a) improved information and public participation, which should begin as early as this stage and extend over the entire period of development of the SEA and the PGT;
b) survey of land currently unused property for commercial use / industrial
c) survey of the areas of unsold or empty dwellings;
d) census volumes of viable areas of already completed PRG provided in force, which today are still undeveloped;
s) in-depth analysis of demographic trends 10, 20 and 30 years, since the Istat provides a regional level in the period 2009-2039, a decrease of population aged 0 to 50 years by about 25%;
f) control of large volumes of buildings (farm, wineries, etc..) at a prestigious landscape / environment, especially if the request to construct interested dominant position on the hills. In this regard, the PGT will identify and locate areas totally Guaranteed clear. The inedificabilità become the rule, and will be automatically applied over a certain amount;
g) use and enjoyment of the areas of environmental significance;
h) regulation, protection, preservation and protection of agricultural areas from the spread residential
i) recovery and return to the enjoyment of walking and cycling to local roads campaign;
l) Monterotondo: maintain the originality of our road system to measure local traffic and improve safety, reducing incentives with appropriate targeted interventions through traffic with a prudent policy of urban renewal, without spoiling the area with inappropriate braces highways.
8 - PGT that is not ours
As we have seen, the one proposed by the Administration is an old-fashioned PGT, which seems purpose built to make money. And this is his greatest flaw. But it has so many others, because it is the legitimate son of a policy of low profile, in turn, be incapable of expression of political direction and advanced modern driver. It 's a PGT without a compass, without goals, without goals, which has a vision, which has no mission, which does not compare with the profound changes taking place. It 's a PGT cold, apathetic, detached, that does not involve, not emotion, that does not spread and local culture.
Yet there is much to say in a moment of crisis, energy, environmental, climate, real estate, and (even) food, which could radically change our lifestyle. But nothing. Why is a PGT faded, so, no character, no backbone, no courage and no distinct ideas. An anonymous PGT, gray, devoid of enthusiasm, who can not imagine future scenarios, which has no strategy, which abandons the plan tomorrow. It 's a PGT born old, clumsy, awkwardly compressed on worn and outdated mindsets.
It 's a PGT who wants more roads, parking, speed, individual moves. A PGT that seems to repeat and repeat, with a century of delay, the myth that enhances Futurist "the beauty of the car in race" . A PGT continues to believe in the American dream "sixties" of the car as an affirmation of independence and freedom. PGT who wants a "brace", possibly to be built just 1 km away from the existing highway. A PGT spending hundreds of thousands of euro to avoid pedestrians to travel 100 meters on foot, or gain 20, 30 seconds in the path daily study, work, family. Passirano, the country built on a car: no one wants to demonize the car, but a political class, on occasions as such, can not escape the duty to account and to weigh alternatives. Also because we are paying $ 140 a barrel oil! PGT
A myopic, that is not interested and does not care what is happening, that does not interpret the changes taking place. PGT an outside world that does not analyze, do not review, not research, does not bother to do system: and, in fact, the PGT does not say whether and what measures will be taken to encourage the processing of the underground railway line in Brescia-Iseo . It 's a PGT ignoring the stresses of the Superintendent, as if they were free of provocation, a PGT that he forgets to actually protect (as it did Erbusco) the many areas of outstanding landscape value . It 's a PGT who does not put at stake and there, that does not bring novelty, a PGT "provincial" self-sufficient, that the presumption (wrong) can be enough in itself. It 's a PGT pre-election, which may apply the rules of the corroded Cencelli manual, which distributes a PGT construct a bit without too much' of houses here, a little 'warehouses there, a "riser" of 80 m there.
But above all it is not our PGT. Why not ours and does not represent us, we do not describe and there shows. PGT This is a soulless, without roots, ignoring our past, our history, our identity, which is indifferent to our aspirations and our future. Moreover, it is a PGT with some elaborate "cloned". If not, the report attached to the Landscape Plan would not find a long digression on tree species that Passirano even exist. If not, the Plan document, on page 104, do not worry ... the town of Salo! The City of Lake Garda may thank you for being mentioned in our planning documents, but certainly not contribute to the payment of the technicians who are working to PGT Passirano. We are certain: that account (by the way, how much?) will be totally on us.
In summary, we are dealing with an unincorporated PGT that not only can not govern a territory like ours, but even a vague belt suburb of Milan. That's why the citizens of Passirano have the right to have a PGT different from what the Administration has planned: a PGT to measure, and that looks to the future.