Excerpt from an article by Franco Locatelli, published in "Il Sole 24 Ore" on March 17, 2008.
It 's true that the electoral campaign invades the homes of all of us and monopolizes the pages of newspapers and radio and television, but let us take off the head the idea that democracy is confined to participation in the vote every five years. A complete democracy is very different and requires constant effort of information, monitoring, complaint and protest the proposal for all citizens to encourage institutions to give their best in everyone.
That is why the initiative taken by the Foundation Civicum on clarity and transparency of financial statements of Italian municipalities deserves praise because he is a true example of sensitivity and civic engagement more and more rare. The idea of \u200b\u200bcomparing the way in which our municipalities draw up budgets and compare them to communicate and [...] is not a simple accounting exercise, but a concrete way to ask account of what local administrators have been unable or unwilling to do.
In a difficult period of fiscal federalism and more or less creeping, should begin to look very closely at the budgets of municipalities hitherto inaccessible, and [...] be judged highly meritorious work of those who aims to stimulate public transparency is not an end in itself but aims to enlighten people about what they are doing their municipalities, and what results they get, but final and not simply to estimate where there are often vague promises. [...]
A demonstration of how useful the pressure of civil society organizations to ensure that municipalities learn to consider the transparency in the accounts of the house not as a nuisance or a frill, but as a crucial exercise of good governance and true democracy.
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