Thursday, January 27, 2011

Forced Barefoot School

Pier Luigi Bersani : "Without the memory and the study of the horrors that humanity has stained all run the risk of reliving a terrible time in our history. For this reason, the memory the Holocaust must remain forever as a warning to everyone that has ever reached the abyss. Our duty is to pass on, especially the younger generation, the tragic story of the Holocaust not to forget what and why which was still questioning our consciences. Do not forget the deep non- forget that hatred and prejudice are the causes that have determined. For this reason he is called, in politics and in society, must feel a responsibility to fulfill upon himself the moral commitment not to ever feed these feelings must feel the urgency to unite and moral not to divide, to help mutual understanding. The many initiatives planned today throughout Italy, to celebrate Memorial Day, to remember the persecution and extermination of the Jewish people, the deportees military, civil and political rights in the Nazi death camps, are then why to reflect on the value of dignity and respect for human rights of every individual. Hatred and prejudice have fueled the weed of racism and antisemitism. Our task today is to watch because you do not recreate the conditions of hatred and fear that led many men to forget their humanity and become quiet executioners. Our task is to work always prevails because the right of every person to respect others. "

" to the platform 21 of the Milan station came many, from all over the country. The story of thousands of men, women, elderly and children, aimed at Auschwitz. We would have told this story until some years later, when the cleansing of the conquered we would have ended in many objectors believe the Holocaust.

But it was not always so. It was not always named as extermination abomination against humanity. There was a time when the massacre, perhaps not yet proven, not proven, even just too terrible to imagine let alone admit, it was considered a "smear campaign" against the regime, against those who had endorsed the racial laws and against those who while not endorsing not even breathed a minimum of anger.

The sign of a day as that of 27 January is a reminder of everything: the victims, the killing, the massacre of Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, people with disdain instead of mind that gave breath , speech and gestures. But it is also a reminder of the worst virus that massacre, the one that still winds at times in our communities, the most difficult to eradicate: the horror that negazioniso denying the gas chambers, the experiments of Josef Mengele, the deportation or women "voluntary" sex in exchange for the hierarchy of survival and a cot out of the cabin were an army of petitioners in the fields of Ravensbrueck, Auschwitz or Buchenwald. That denial

virus is still endemic evil of our civilization. This is why January 27 is now more than ever! "These were the poignant words of the deputy of the Democratic Party Ludovico Vico, who wanted to make a contribution to support the sad memory of this day.

"Holocaust denial is a shame and a horror to fight every minute of making all possible efforts to live and to transmit the memory of the Shoah," added the senator of the Democratic Party Roberto Della Seta, a member of the Extraordinary Commission for human rights. "Of course - he specified Silk - it is only right that the school and the University do not give the slightest claim to citizenship and to whom the advocates of Holocaust denial. "

Anna Finocchiaro, Chairman of the Democratic Party in the Senate recalled how "the enormity of the Holocaust to have originated, as he said today the Head of State, intolerance for diversity, populism and nationalism, phenomena not foreign to contemporary society. In fact, the polls also confirm that anti-Semitism continues to be an evil rooted, with intolerance and racism ".
And in the memory of this terrible massacre Walter Veltroni, on behalf of the Democratic Party pointed out the figure of Tullia Zevi, who died Recently, a hero of our story, an extraordinary woman, yet strong, brave and gentle. A journalist and writer, long-President of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities and champion of Jewish rights and culture. Italy owes a lot to her. E 'was committed to keeping alive the memory of the Holocaust in the years when the desire for oblivion seemed prevalent. He has held an ongoing dialogue between religions and cultures with tenacity and strength by challenging stereotypes. His voice and continue along to remind us of the duty to remember.

But as we learn the sad news, incidents of religious intolerance, often directed against the Jewish communities still exist, as shameful acts, committed by those who want to deliberately ignore the story. One of the latest sad example comes from the capital, too often the scene of acts of racism and violence unacceptable. On the eve of the celebrations of the 'Memorial Day', the extras are written against the Jews in the Monti. Symbol of deep offense to the memory of all those who have suffered and continue to carry the scars of those terrible years.
the Jewish Community of Rome and its President Riccardo Pacifici goes the most complete solidarity of the Democratic Party, expressed by the Deputy Senate President and Commissioner of Pd Lazio Vannino Chiti . The Democratic Party through its territorial structures organized in several cities initiatives of Remembrance for Victims of National Socialism and Fascism, the Holocaust and to honor those who risked their lives to have protected the persecuted.

But Memorial Day is not just the evocation of a dramatic period in recent history, should be a key to understanding the contemporary world. He explained Paolo Patanè , president of Arcigay, that "the rejection of any size difference, unfortunately, is still the everyday life for many gay men and lesbians and transgender Italian. The reaffirmation of racism, sexism, discrimination and oppression in our country and the world is under the for all to see, and the Holocaust continues to go through our daily lives. And it's a result that can lead to sprout roots of the same hatred that led Europe to barbarism. "

It is hoped that the Memorial Day celebration to be a reference to an issue to be consolidated in the collective memory in the other 364 days of the year and not a single moment and ephemeral ritual of a ceremony which, once completed, it loses thickness. The memory we celebrate is the history of homophobia in the past, man against man, which allows us to better understand homophobia today, in all its forms. The Democratic Party senator Mariapia Garavaglia reiterated this concept, "calling on everyone, from policy, to uphold this moral tension every day, to invent a peaceful and positive."

E 'need for a culture of peace and tolerance. The institutions have a duty to commit to this, involving especially the younger generation, because the denial does not spread in schools and universities and why it is well understood the tragedy of the Shoah. Young people should know that dark period in European history, like that terrible events can never happen again.


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