Friday, February 6, 2009

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Alderman Provincial

Here is the text of the letter a few days ago we sent Alderman Provincial Spatial Planning, Mr. Francesco Mazzoli. The letter was sent, for information, even to the Superintendent for the architectural and landscape, Mr. Rinaldi, the Mayor, the Aldermen and Councillors of Municipal Passirano, and the members of the Centre for Environment and Territory Passirano.


We are a group of residents in the municipality of Passirano. Taking a cue from his interview with the Giornale di Brescia - published November 21, 2008, in an article headlined eloquently " The municipalities do not use the soil to raise cash" - The want to point out some critical elements that, in our opinion, are forecasts contained in the Plan of Government of the Territory of Passirano. The interest in this because we fully share the concerns expressed by you in the interview mentioned above. As you are, in fact, we fear that the urban contract may become ... tool for finding resources. " Like her, in fact, we fear that the PGT can draw " ... development not justified by demography, but by the need for cash. "

be specific, we feel that the PGT Passirano (already adopted by the City Council), while declaring a principal objective the preservation and protection of our territory actually opens the door to what you just called "... development is not justified by demography. A type of development which, however, Passirano has already suffered heavily, since the number of residents in our community has increased by 50% over 20-25 years (see the document in respect of financial sustainability of the PGT, page 271 and following). E ' clear to everyone, however, that population increase of this magnitude may not only result from internal phenomena, so much so that the aforementioned document of financial sustainability of the PGT - here's the thing - certifies unequivocally that "... you are characterizing as a Passirano territory constant population growth by migration artificially induced external. "

Given the stated "... population growth artificially induced by external migration," was fully expected that the PGT Passirano to avoid repeating the gross errors of the old program PRG. But even this PGT, despite the doubling of the number of residents, he insists on finding the existence of strong and renewed need for housing and productive (but undocumented), utopian and unrealistic scenarios predicting economic-demographic years' 60, (who can not prove). A theorem, in our view, not credible, especially in this time of world crisis synchronized, also originated from the excesses of the real estate industry. A theorem which, however, states that PGT and supports all the evidence in an attempt to justify - that's the second point - the use of land to generate financial resources. hypothesis, this, like it or not to you or to us.

These elements of very grave concern, he adds another, in some respects even more dangerous. We refer all'improprio use of financial resources when they are destined for public works of dubious social utility. Why about utility, it must be said that our PGT suggests, among other things, the creation of a new school campus, which cost several million euro, although Passirano in the period 1981-2006 the number of child Children from 0 to 15 years decreased by 3.8%. A new school campus, they said, even if the financial sustainability of the document notes that PGT ... Passirano seems to be confirmed as a country tend deprived of the young population, families or couples with children, too unbalanced on single and elderly population. "

What elements of further problems, we point out that the PGT Passirano ignore the signs came officially from the Superintendence of architectural and landscape grants and new buildings in areas of high landscape and historical value. Not to mention, here is yet another anomaly, the PGT of Passirano allows the conversion of a number of poultry sheds - obviously located in agricultural areas - in more, new residences.

summary, a PGT that seems to abdicate its mission, that of governing the territory, to pay particular attention to finding new financial resources, which also could be used for public works not strictly necessary. "If municipalities choose this way you hurt yourself" : this another of his statement on the issue (always issued to Giornale di Brescia), which we photographed well the risks she is running the community Passirano. So please you, the Superintendent and all political forces in the area of \u200b\u200bPassirano, because everyone, as the responsibility, to contribute to restructure the provisions contained in the TMP, before it is finally approved in the City Council. Thanks.


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A frail conjecture

The doubling of population
In January 2008 the municipality of Passirano had 6933 inhabitants (Istat). According to a projection of the financial sustainability of the document PGT (page 271 and following), residents in early 2009 could be a little less than 8,000. So we are talking about an increase of about 1,000 residents within 13-15 months. Looking a bit deeper the demographic phenomenon, we recall that the inhabitants Passirano in 1981 were 4,793, or 3,200 less than it is today! But not over, because the document points out that financial sustainability in the short term, could become a common Passirano 9.000/10.000 population.

The population density
The area of \u200b\u200bthe town of Passirano is of 13.9 square kilometers (source: Strategic Environmental Assessment document). To date, the inhabitants per square km is 503, and 700 could become in the coming years. In 1981 the number of inhabitants per square kilometer was less than half, or 344. To have a comparison, recall that the average density of inhabitants per square km the province of Brescia is 250 (source: Wikipedia). Passirano, therefore, has a density of population which already is double the provincial average!

external growth
Speaking of demographics, we recall that the document points out that financial sustainability ... Passirano you are characterizing as an area with a constant population growth artificially induced by external migration " . And also ... is likely to Passirano immigrants are now outnumber the natives so-called " . There's no denying, this is a really exciting!

the "first" of our common
This incredible growth has been wanted by our politicians (PRG are old flour sack them or not?) Despite Passirano have a sewerage system that covers only the 76% of the territory. recall in passing that the ATO average is 91%, and the national average is 85% (source: Strategic Environmental Assessment document). Speaking of firsts, let's not forget that the city of Passirano was declared by the Lombardy Region "nitrate vulnerable zone" . With all the necessary consequences, including, for example, the need for a new well (the works are in progress in recent days in Monterotondo). What is the cost of nitrate to our community? Limiting the financial aspect of the matter, (not the most relevant in this case ...) it must be said that the new well would cost more than € 1 million ....

an already seriously compromised
In this idyllic little picture made of abnormal increases in residents of mindless consumption of soil, inadequate sanitation, vulnerability to nitrates, new wells paid millions of euro, none of us can forget the other endless, expensive and dangerous pollution problems of the landfill Hilly. That is a worthy accompaniment to the problems of the other landfill, the seat of Wood, but also unresolved pollution of the industrial area (area Ospitaletto). It may well be enough, but it is fair to say that the cleaner Monterotondo is designed for a maximum of 650 people (pity that in the meantime, residents of Monterotondo have become more than 1,000). Just as it should be noted that the SEA has found that there was another polluted area, this time to Camignone (just to make us not miss anything).

There is no need to stop?
frankly worrying scenario - even while leaving the strategic of agricultural areas and the high landscape value of many areas of Passirano - would require a drastic limitation of the urban expansion. Would, in short, a policy worthy of the name of the territory, and not that bland PGT with 30-40 years of delay on the story insist on declaring "... housing needs strong and productive" (see page 117, 120 and 121 of the VAS). Need that no one has bothered to document, of course. In the absence of evidence proved, however, this is, and remains, only a fragile conjecture that the PGT uses - that's the dangerous paradox - as the only justification for giving the green light to the other thousands of cubic meters of buildings. Where find a place, it says the PGT, about 700 new residents. Who does not feel the need?

Monday, February 2, 2009

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The camper Bresciaoggi to Passirano

Bresciaoggi article of February 1, 2009. The camper back in Franciacorta, Passirano. The next stop on Thursday at the market.

Objective Franciacorta next week for the campers Bresciaoggi. Two months after you stop Rodengo Saiano back in the hills and vineyards of one of the most beautiful areas of our province. Thursday, February 5 the preparation of the mobile camper "Tell us" will make the curtain between the stalls Passirano weekly market.

It's up to someone out of the seven thousand residents of the center Franciacorta outline joys and sorrows of the common explain why it is good to live a stone's throw from Lake Iseo, but also not far from the city, say how you can improve the quality of life in the country.

As is the custom responses, and assessments of citizens will end, Saturday's edition of Bresciaoggi in a two-page report in which it will give report cards to the country, a moment of synthesis that - albeit with all the limitations of the case - is also popular with leading citizens called normally the next day, to comment on applications, evaluations and complaints expressed by citizens.

fellow citizens who also have the chance, to tell the country they inhabit the microphones issuer Brescia Punto Tv, dedicating to the stages of a daily strip camper always very popular with viewers.



Sunday, February 1, 2009

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strategic agricultural areas, strategies or policies?

Here is an excerpt from Article "All agricultural policy, strategies or policies?" , taken from the January 2009 issue of Contact, periodic edited by the "Civic Participation Corte Franca." Given that the article takes its cue from the "Cantinone", the content is particularly interesting, not only effectively exposed, because they still value the concepts of a general nature.

1) cantinone But where I put it?
the Council of 27 November '08 was officially approved on the identification of strategic agricultural areas throughout the municipality, according to specified criteria. It was game to force the Administration can not ignore the question of the location of the industrial structure required by Ber SpA lucchi: in fact
at Borgonato, the AC was cut in the middle of valuable farmland, an area of \u200b\u200bpossible change, not to exclude the possibility of moving this productive activity! This is despite the province has indicated its opposition.

2) Why is the letter to the Province?
Our Association has sent a complaint to the Province of Brescia in asking if the BC Court of France, "justifying" his decision give reasons seems to precede that private interests to those of the community, has not operated in contravention the objective criteria laid down by the Regional Board.

3) A lot of development in agricultural areas of value, how is it possible?
A provision of the Lombardy Region allows farmers to produce agricultural areas in their buildings and facilities for the conduct of the funds, the structure built with a low index, due to the fact that agricultural lands have high extensions. So the motivation that pushes the legislature to introduce this procedure is to allow farmers to build on their land to allow for growth, "physiological" company.

4) To what extent the building is "physiological" for the company?
Until it is saturated with the possibility to build in relation to the extension of land that the farmer owns. So if a farmer has not yet saturated its possibility to build (and still needs facilities in relation to the management of funds) can make simply by requesting a building permit, procedure
"due" just passing by the building commission and by ' technical department which checks the technical conformity and compliance with the Plan.

5) How do you turn the soil in this case?
The land on which there are agricultural buildings and, once admitted the building, remain agricultural. Is not a change of use of land, that is, its legal use is unchanged.

6) And in the case of cantinone?
In this case the company has already saturated its building capacity. This means that the proposed structure comes from the logic of necessity "physiological" which is in the spirit of the rule in point 3 above). If the company wanted to build on agricultural land would then buy more land to grow and then grow.

7) So you have to use another procedure?
Yes, unable to follow the steps to the building in agricultural areas, is uses the one-stop shop for productive activities (OSS). This instrument provides for the edification and contextual variation on the urban built-up land that is a necessary condition to allow the building further on the funds owned by the farmer who would not allow it if it would remain agricultural.

6) It 's not the same thing?
No, the procedure of the OSS with the land changed from agricultural production, ie
change their legal status in an irreversible way.

7) What does this mean?
authorize the intervention means in terms of planning, open a new production plant in front in an area whose characteristics are also valuable landscape, compromising it irreversibly.

8) What 's the risk?
E 'Everyone knows that the worst environmental disasters and landscape are made with the policy of "small steps". May be added in the future continue to target production neighboring lots (as the area is already compromised ...) and you're done: we have yet another production center
served by an infrastructure of territorial connection (poor Provincial). This may not be a concern of the current administration. It is certainly a concern that requires a long term vision and is a consequence that all citizens pay.

9) should just say yes?
The procedure of the OSS, just because it is "due" and requires the creation of structures more than those granted, provides for a political change and not just because tecnico.Ecco the request for assistance does not stop at the technical office but passing through the City Council decides not to allow the implementation of the intervention.

10) So?
Then the realization of the structure with the OSS tool depends solely on a political administration. However, it is inconsistent with the strategic local and extra-local (provincial) for our area.

11) The one-stop shop 'and then just a tool?
Yes, a tool to achieve a clear political will. It works just like a musical instrument you can play well or play badly, you can even decide not to play, especially knowing that they produce only false notes! The administration is not obliged to accept the proposal because there are no "cages" procedural or bureaucratic.

12) PGT or OSS?
We are, however, on the eve of the PGT. It would perhaps be more appropriate to include intervention in proposing a systemic logic more suitable alternative locations (eg near an existing production site), perhaps to be assessed within the Strategic Environmental Assessment: a unique opportunity to prevent further disasters and environmental landscape.
